在冰碛谷注册可以节省数千美元的大学教育费用. You'll get more for less at 冰碛谷. 我们每年的学费比受欢迎的伊利诺伊州学院和大学便宜.
冰碛谷努力保持学费,费用和教科书负担得起,同时也提供 许多奖学金. More than 60 scholarships are available for students, 在高中班级中排名前10%的学生可能有资格享受免学费!
Whether you are looking for information on tuition, making payments to your student account, 教科书上的详细信息或需要金融知识方面的帮助, 你会在这里找到它.
Cost Comparison of a Single 3 Credit Hour Course
请注意: These costs are for tuition and mandatory fees. In some cases, fees and other expenses are additional. Based on the most recently reported rates. 资料来源:美国大学.org
在冰碛谷注册可以节省数千美元的大学学费. You’ll get more for less at 冰碛谷.
Spring 2024, 2024年夏天, and 2024年秋季 学费 Per Credit Hour
请注意: 学费 and fees are subject to change without notice.
Spring 2024, Summer 2023, and 2024年秋季 | 学费 | 技术费 | 建筑/ 基础设施费 | 学院活动费 | 总学杂费 |
在地区 | $137 | $10 | $10 | $2 | $159 |
然而 | $332 | $10 | $10 | $2 | $354 |
州外和外国 | $388 | $10 | $10 | $2 | $410 |
费用 | |
申请费 | 每次25元,在申请时向所有新申请人收取,恕不退还. |
背景调查 | 变量 |
关闭帐户 | $50 |
学院活动费 | 每学时2美元 |
建筑/基础设施费s | 每学时10美元 |
文凭替换 | $15 |
逾期付款 | $50 |
付款计划 | $25 |
位置测试 | $25 |
替换ID | $5 |
续费 | $25 |
退回支票 | $30 |
学生证 | 每学期3美元 |
技术的费用 | 每学时10美元 |
学费 and fee charges are the student’s financial responsibility. 如果您要求学院开具第三方发票,意图支付全部余额或部分费用, 您有责任确保付款在到期日之前应用到您的帐户. 学院将代表第三方开具发票,只要第三方没有要求的成绩或出勤规定. 所有要求的文件必须提交到出纳办公室,S105. 如果您的费用未支付(赞助商未按预期支付),所有剩余余额将由您负责.
不是524地区的居民,但在该地区全职工作(每周至少35小时)的人有资格获得地区内的学杂费. A student must submit two current consecutive paycheck stubs, 附上一封用公司信纸写的,由老板/经理或人力资源总监签名的证明目前全职工作状态的信. 每学期必须在学院每个注册课程退款期的最后一天之前,在出纳办公室存档新的信和工资单,以便有资格享受地区内的学费和费用. 独立承包商不被视为雇员,他们没有资格享受在地区内工作的费率.
住在区外但在区内拥有物业的学生(不包括家长等).) may be eligible for in-district tuition rates. Documentation required every year.
Call (708) 974-5715 for details.
学生有责任在规定的截止日期前退课. 在退款期内放弃的课程将不会出现在您的记录中. No-shows do not constitute a drop. 课程长度决定了允许退课的日历天数,以便获得100%退款. 以下是与退款有关的一般准则:
Course Length 100% Refund Deadline
- 16-17 week classes 8 calendar days after first day of class
- 14-15 week classes 7 calendar days after first day of class
- 12-13 week classes 6 calendar days after first day of class
- 10-11 week classes 5 calendar days after first day of class
- 9 week classes 4 calendar days after first day of class
- 7-8 week classes 3 calendar days after first day of class
- 5-6 week classes 2 calendar days after first day of class
- 3-4 week classes 1 calendar day after first day of class
- 2 week classes By end of first day of class
- 1 week classes Must be dropped before first day of class
被学院取消课程的学生将获得全额退款. 有关特定课程/部分的退款截止日期的问题可直接向出纳办公室询问. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(708)974-5715与出纳办公室联系.
Refund Policy for Non-Credit/Vocational Skills (AEC) Courses-学生有责任在课程开始日期前三个日历天退课,以获得全额退款. 课程开课前或开课后少于三个日历日的退课将不予退款. 请注意, 如果在课程开始后三天内注册课程, 不能退款. No shows do not constitute cancellation. No credit may be used toward another section for missed classes. Classes that are canceled by the college will be refunded in full.
学费和杂费 for Non Credit/Vocational Skills (AEC) courses: 每个课程的学费和杂费分配不同,并在课程描述中列出. 学费 and fees may change without notice. 成人教育学分(AEC)课程由国家和地方基金支持. 学费退款政策遵循非学分/职业技能(AEC)课程. 指定的职业技能(AEC)课程以及格/不及格评分,并放在学生的正式大学成绩单上.
老年人和残疾人财产税减免法-在学期第一天之前65岁或以上的个人, 并且其收入低于“老年人和残疾人财产税减免法案”第4节规定的门槛金额,将有权获得所有定期安排的学分课程的全额学费减免, excluding courses designed specifically for senior citizens, 前提是有可用的教室空间,并且注册的支付学费的学生达到课程所需的最低人数.
All other fees apply pursuant to the Act. 在MVConnect上打印一份所需的“老年人和残疾人财产税减免法案”申请表格的副本-在成本和援助下, 学费和杂费 or at the 现金ier’s Office, 房间S105. Senior Citizens 62 or Older – and live in-district, 你可以以一半的学费注册学分或成人教育(AEC)课程.
课程费用和学生活动、技术、建筑/基础设施费用是额外的. Call (708) 974-5715 for information.
FitRec membership is included for full-time students. 非全日制学生可以以每学期48美元(夏季学期24美元)的低价成为FitRec会员。. 参见FitRec 学生会员 webpage for more information. 参加PEH活动课的非全日制学生必须亲自到H楼缴纳每学期使用费.
学院将向符合条件的学生提供1098-T学费声明. 1098-T表格在方框1中报告了您在日历年内支付的合格学费和相关费用. 表格1098-T帮助学生确定是否有资格获得教育税收抵免.
冰碛谷社区学院必须有你的正确识别号码,以便向国税局提交1098-T表格,并向你提供有效的声明. This will be your Social Security number (SSN). Please complete substitute form W-9S, 如果您的识别号码未在MVCC存档,则可在网上或注册部门查询.
根据你的情况,你可能有资格获得联邦税收抵免. 你可以 查找详细信息 about claiming education tax credits in IRS Publication 970.
你的个人财务记录可以作为联邦纳税申报表的官方证明文件. 冰碛谷社区学院的工作人员不能提供税务建议或协助学生计算个人信贷金额. Please consult a tax adviser for assistance.
The 1098-T forms will be available electronically by Jan. 31.
- 登录MVConnect
- Select Students under the Self Service Menu
- Select Student Account Information
- Select Student Tax Information
- 选择1098信息
- Consent to receive 1098-T information electronically
- 保存
- First payment is due at the time of registration
- Second payment is due June 18, 2024
- Final payment is due July 16, 2024
- First payment is due at the time of registration
- 第二次付款将于8月8日到期. 20, 2024
- 第三笔付款9月9日到期. 24, 2024
- 最后一笔付款将于10月10日到期. 22, 2024
- 全部或部分费用必须在注册时支付.
- Use the partial payment plan. 支付部分(秋季和春季为25%)到期金额加上25美元不可退还的部分付款费用.
- 因未交学费而退学的学生必须重新注册上课. 续费 will be permitted based upon course availability. Payments must be made at the time of re-registration. 所有学生都要支付25美元的一次性重新注册费,不可退还.
- 注册暑期班的学生必须在注册当天缴纳学费(33%).
- 注册秋季课程的学生必须在注册当天付款. 未支付全部或部分学费的学生将被取消其课程. 注册春季课程的学生必须在注册当天付款. 未支付全部或部分学费的学生将被取消其课程.
Courses are dropped if you do not have the minimum tuition payment (Fall and Spring—25 percent of tuition; Summer 33 percent) except for two circumstances.
- 如果你有一个完整的财政援助文件,并显示与财政援助办公室的资格.
- 您的学费由赞助支付,您完成的文书工作已在注册前提交给出纳办公室.
学生将在他们的页面上收到学费到期通知, which they can access from MVConnect. The college does not mail tuition bills. The student will receive phone blasts about billing due dates. 你可以 choose to pay tuition by:
- 现金
- 检查
- 发现
- 万事达卡
- 汇款单
- 签证
- 用信用卡上网
- Phone Registration and phone credit card payments (708) 974-2110
在报名高峰期(8月及1月),办事处会延长办公时间. Summer 星期五 hours may vary.
Contact the 现金ier’s Office by email at cashiersdepartment@chkndnr.net 或致电(708)974-5715.
费用 | 与父母同住 | 没有父母的生活 |
学费和杂费 | $3,822 | $3,822 |
书籍及用品 | $1,584 | $1,584 |
*运输 | $2,280 | $2,280 |
**食宿 | $11,272 | $17,200 |
*个人支出 | $2,233 | $4,419 |
出勤总费用 | $21,191 | $29,305 |
*These items are not charged by the college. 而, 它们是对住在冰碛谷社区学院区并全日制上学的费用的估计.
**冰碛谷 does not offer housing for domestic students. Housing costs are individual to each student's living situation.
注意: 学费 and fees are subject to change without notice.
费用 | 与父母同住 | 没有父母的生活 |
学费和杂费 | $8,502 | $8,502 |
书籍及用品 | $1,584 | $1,584 |
*运输 | $2,280 | $2,280 |
**食宿 | $11,272 | $17,200 |
*个人支出 | $2,233 | $4,419 |
出勤总费用 | $25,871 | $33,985 |
*These items are not charged by the college. 而, 它们是对住在冰碛谷社区学院区并全日制上学的费用的估计.
**冰碛谷 does not offer housing for domestic students. Housing costs are individual to each student's living situation.
注意: 学费 and fees are subject to change without notice.
净价计算器允许未来的学生输入有关自己的信息,以了解像他们一样的学生在前一年在该机构就读时支付了多少钱, after taking grants and scholarship aid into account.